Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Get out of the way

Have you ever hear the phrase "lead, follow or get out the way"? If you think leading is hard then you have never been a quality follower. Following is hard and takes a unique attitude and willingness to serve. Oh no I used the word serve and with that comes the thought of giving or helping or making sure the success of someone else comes before my own interest.

Most often leaders have no clue, they just like the power of being in charge and giving orders to others and making sure someone else is to blame if things go awry. Most followers don't know what or who they are following and blindly follow the blind leader, willing to take the blame and carry the load for anything negative.

I'm thinking that I am meeting more and more people that need to "get out of the way". You know, take a break, sit down on the sidewalk, stop totting a banner, stop following in step with stupid. Take some time to learn what you are doing, who is leading, what is leading, do I really believe what I am leading or following. Am I serving or being served, giving orders or significantly making a difference in the lives of those willing to follow and if I am following do I have a clue? Am I a paid protester? Do I understand the constitution? Do I really believe someone can save the whales or plug the damn hole?

Lead, follow, or get out of my way!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Get a Thought

"Be still - I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details." Albert Einstein

When I read this quote the other day I just sat back in my chair and took several long deep breaths with my eyes closed hoping I would hear God say something to me. And I did not hear or perceive anything, just silence. I think I was still trying to get the details.

Big picture, visual learners, movers and shakers, give me the bottom line, answer me the why and how, forward thinking not in the box, kind of people operate on a different wave length. You know them and they are different, but different is not always better or more efficient. I know some "different" people that I think are just plain nuts, certifiable crazy, lazy, goober headed, ozone zombies. They have it in their heads that if they "think" way out there and their "box" has no parameters then they are super creative and beyond everyone; all their actions no matter good or bad are acceptable because they are "different". What they don't realize is that they are the people that real listeners, or those that are hearing God's thoughts are the real visionaries, box spreading, line jumping, rope skipping geniuses.

A God thought is so big, so revolutionary so life changing that you have to do some real life prep before you can hear His stuff. First thing is to be still, in fact this is a God quote, "Be still and know that I am God." I am working on that first line of instruction... be still. OK, lean back, 3 long deep breaths, close eyes gently, calm, relax................ shoulders down, neck at ease, hands limp, wow that feels good. Did I hear anything, did you hear anything, get any God thoughts? I am learning to listen for the thoughts because I know that He has the details already figured into the plan and the plan he has for me is for my success.

Be still, hear a thought, work through the details and see God's plan. We could be on to something here. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Things to do

My eyes caught the headline of an article in an email advertisement that read the "23 Things You Should Be Doing...". 23 things, who thinks up these numbers? It is like when you ask someone how well they are doing in whatever they do and they respond with some kind of goofy numbers like 41 or 462 or 1000 or 4oo9. Or in some cases 23. There is a highly popular motivational speaker and leadership developer that has 21 laws for something. Why not 24 or 20? Why not 42 or 463 or 1001 or 4008? Special speakers and motivational trainers are the worst at rounding numbers. I had a friend that would report his church attendance as the "masses". As they were coming by the masses. What the ______ is a masses? Then we have TV shows called "20 and 30 Somethings" is it 24 or 33 or 39. The something word always concerns me and if you are an accountant or logistical planner or engineer or architect then the rounding up or down of stuff will drive you crazy.

I am not in any of the previous listed professions, but a consultant for a firm that works with organizations to develop their strategies and implementation of development plans and the training of those that will be the team to run the process. I am the guy that has been asking the "why" question all his life and if you are under the age of 35 then I call you the "why generation" and you know "why". Why questions get to the point, make us think about motive and strategy. Why questions force us to answer without ambiguity. A why question demands and answer for how 23 things I should be doing is more or less effective than say 22 or 24! It's like my "to do list". You have one too, it may not be written down but you have one and it is probably long, maybe more than 23 things or 463 things. Your bucket list is different than your things to do list, but both are important because your lists defines the things that are important to you and direct the things you do or do not accomplish. How about the song lyrics that say, "the things we do for love" and "that thing you do" or "the first thing I'd like to do"?

Right now I am shouting "woo hoo" because I am just about to cross the "do the blog thing" off my list for today! Oh and if you are still wondering where the original 23 things I should be doing were from; current edition of Reader's Digest online, and they describe the 23 things I should be doing to get a job, broken down into 3 categories! Now there they go again, why not 2 or 5 categories? Don't you wish it was that easy, 23 things in 3 categories to do to get a new career! Actually they are pretty good suggestions and helpful hints for the job hunter, so you may want to check them out if "need a job or career" is on your list.

I do know this without a doubt, I will never get anything done unless I start. Starting is the first step to completing any project or task. Start reading, start singing, start writing, start fasting, start eating, start dieting, start walking, start learning, start painting, start practicing, start praying, start sharing, start loving, start talking, start listening, start building, start saving, start whatever! Things to do will never get done unless you start! So go start something or 2 or 5 or 10 or 44 or 9 or 71. Beginning gets us on the journey of completion and completion brings enormous satisfaction to the life we live. Got some thing to do? Start, it is the only way you will ever finish!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Ever read a quote and afterwards you just can not get it out of your mind? You know the kind that just spins around and around like the lyrics of a great song from the 60's and 70's. You start sharing it with friends and family and even people you have just met or complete strangers at the local gas station or grocery store. Recently I have that kind of thing going on because of a couple of quotes I read. Yep, I am going to share them with you and try to get them spinning around in your head!

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931

Now when the dust settles from your gray matter spinning these around for a few days, let me know your feelings or thoughts. At some point, our common sense has to kick in, our moral compass has to point "right" and our hearts have to signal us to retreat and repent from the ditch we have fallen into. I love my country, America and I love my state, Texas and for the most part I like the people who live here with me. But I have my doubts about some our leaders and what their foundation and core beliefs are all about. Bailouts, handouts, special interest, pork, entitlements, taxes, spending, borrowing from foreign countries. It looks to me like we have a bunch of guys that did not pass "business 101" making critical decisions about our future. I'm thinking term limits for everyone in politics! At least we could change the real goofy ones for not so goofy ones once in awhile.

Go back to the quotes, read them again a few times, let the words sink into your mind, heart and soul, study them. You may be like me, shouting and proclaiming truth and common sense from the front porch, car window, shopping cart, client meeting, coffee group, backyard and soap box! Oh and if you want to read something else that will really get your mind going, it starts with "We the people...".

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spot On

"Sweet spot." Golfers understand the term and so do tennis players. Ever swung a baseball bat or paddled a Ping-Pong ball or tossed a dart that strikes the dead center of the bulls eye? If so, you know the oh- so-nice feel of the sweet spot. Connect with these prime inches of string or iron or wood and kapow! The collective technologies of the universe fire the ball into orbit, leaving you fist-pumping and strutting. Your arm doesn't tingle, and the ball doesn't tink off the bat at some crazy angle. Someone remembers your birthday, the tax refund comes early, and the flight attendant bumps you up to first class, your client picks you up in a limo. Life in the sweet spot rolls like the downhill side of a snowboard pipe. But you don't have to swing a bat or a club to know this. What technology gives sports equipment, The engineer of the universe gave you. A zone, a region, a life address in which you were made to succeed. Tailored curves of your life fit an empty space in this jigsaw puzzle. And life makes sweet sense when you find your spot.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Farther along we will know all about it, farther along we will understand why. Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine, we will understand it all by and by. Old song with words that speak to patience, perserverance and thought. Today may be the day that I get it, you know the answer to my question from yesterday or the day, month or year before. But I choose to live in the light of today's sun and not graple in the dark of yesterday, because I know there is an answer.

Choice what a great word and concept for freedom. I choose to live in the light, I choose to be patient with myself and those around me, I choose to keep living, working, thinking, planning, gaining, seeing, feeling, playing, singing, dancing, running, sitting still, praying. I think I just got an answer to one of those questions. Guess the song writer was right!